

Book Chapters

  • Kuttikat, M. (2022). Conservation of resources and post-migration stress. In I.R. Sebastian & S.M. Maruthur (Eds.) Handbook of Internal Migration in India. Sage Publications: doi:10.4135/9789353287788.
  • Kuttikat, M. (2022). A synthesis of studies examining Sri Lankan refugee families in India. In I.R. Sebastian & S.M. Maruthur (Eds.) Handbook of Internal Migration in India. Sage Publications. doi:10.4135/9789353287788.

Policy and Dissemination Briefs

  • Kuttikat, M. (2018). A synthesis of studies examining Sri Lankan Refugee families in Indian camps’ research report to the Union Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs research unit on International Migration, India.
  • Kuttikat, M. (2017). Sri Lankan Tamil refugee family dynamics in Indian refugee camps’ project report to the Organization for Eelam Refugee Rehabilitation (OfERR), Chennai, India.
  • George, M., & OfERR (2016). Sri Lankan Tamil refugee repatriation challenges and resource development project report to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees – Sri Lanka. Organization for Eelam Refugee Rehabilitation (OfERR), Chennai, India.

Conference Presentation

  • George, H. & Kuttikat, M., (2024, October). Migration stressors, mental health, and resource utilization among camp refugees. Nineteenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. Krakow, Poland.
  • Saleh, M., Amona, E., Kuttikat, M., Sahoo, I., Chan, D., & Murphy, J. (2023, April) Child Mental Health Predictors Among Camp Refugees: Utilizing Linear and XGBOOST Models. 12th European Conference for Social Work Research, Milan, Italy.
  • Murphy, J., Chan, D., Kuttikat, M., & Sahoo, I. (2023, January). A Network Analysis of Resource Utilization in a Refugee Camp. Poster will be presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Pheonix, Arizona.
  • Kuttikat, M. (2023, January). Welcoming Afghan evacuees: A national discussion of rapid response, emerging needs, and mechanisms for support – Community Engaged Migration Research (CEMiR) with Afghan refugees. Roundtable discussion at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Pheonix, Arizona.
  • Kuttikat, M. & Saleh, M. (2022, October). Parent Health, and Family Functioning Among Camp Refugees. Paper will be presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
  • Kuttikat, M. (2022, July). Migration Stress And Family Functioning among camp refugees. Seventeenth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences. (Virtual)
  • Roldan, P., Saleh, M., Murphy, J., Ramachandran, J., Nieburg, S., Kuttikat, M., Sahoo, I., & Chan, D. (2022 May). Post-Migration Stressors, Parent Health, and Family Functioning Among Camp Refugees. Eighteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. (Virtual)
  • Saleh, M., Roldan, P., Murphy, J., & Kuttikat, M. (2022, April). Community Health Workers’ Perspectives on Family Dynamics among Sri Lankan Tamils. VCU Graduate Research Symposium. Richmond, VA
  • Kuttikat, M., Murphy, J., Saleh, M., Roldan, P., Ramachandran, J., Nieburg, S. (2022, April). Cultural Idioms and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Indian Refugee Camps. 6th Annual VCU Women’s Health Research Day. Richmond, VA
  • Kuttikat, M. (2022, January). Proverbs and gender: Studying the interface between proverbs and gender relations. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, D.C. (Virtual).
  • Kuttikat, M., George, H., & George, J. (2021, July). Pre/Post Migration Stressors and Family Functioning Among Camp Refugees. Paper presented Sixteen International Social Science Conference (Virtual).
  • Kuttikat, M. (2021, March). Sri Lankan Tamil refugee war experiences, camp challenges, and resiliency. Paper presented 5th Annual South Asian Mental Health Conference (Virtual).
  • Kuttikat, M. (2021, March). The cultural variations in the parenting process among camp refugees. Paper presented at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (Virtual).
  • Kuttikat, M. & Murphy, J. (2021, January). Challenges of refugee family dynamics: Perspectives of health care workers from a refugee camp. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference (Virtual).
  • Murphy, J. Whitmore, M., & Kuttikat, M. (2020, May). “If I say one time, it is like saying hundred times” – patriarchy, gendered roles, and female empowerment in the Sri Lankan parenting process. International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Kuttikat, M. (2019, January).
  • Kuttikat, M. (2019, January). Gender, family dynamics, and resource utilization among Sri Lankan Tamil refugees. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, San Francisco, CA.
  • Kuttikat, M., George, H., & George, D. (2018, March). Responsible father, comforting mother, studious brother, and obedient daughter: Understanding Sri Lankan refugee family’s parenting behavior. Poster presented at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, New York, NY.
  • George, M., & Vaillancourt, A. (2018, January). Addressing ethical challenges in refugee-based research. Roundtable discussion at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, Washington, D.C
  • George, M., & Vaillancourt, A. (2017). Application of Conservation of Resource Theory with camp refugees. Paper presented at the North American Refugee Health Conference, Toronto, ON.
  • George, M. (2017). Identifying daily stress, family conflict and health care resource gaps at the Sri Lankan Tamil refugee camps in India: Implications for developing an evidence-based family intervention for refugees. Paper presented at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Washington, D.C.
  • George, M. & Hathway, L. (2017, January). Exploring resource utilization and health care gaps among Sri Lankan Tamil refugee parents and adolescents in Indian refugee camps. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  • George, M., & Kliewer, W., & Rajan, I. (2015, March). “Rather than talking in Tamil, they should be talking to Tamils”: Conceptual Framework Development of repatriation for Sri Lankan Tamil refugees. Paper presented at the Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Boston, MA
  • George, M., & Kliewer, W. (2015, January). A Community readiness assessment for repatriation of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in Indian refugee camps. Paper presented at the Society for Social Work and Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  • George, M., Vaillancourt, A., & Rajan, I. (2014, December). “I want to see a new Sri Lanka with no war, no fights, no bombs, A good Sri Lanka”: Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in India. Paper presented at the International Conference on Community Empowerment, Coping, Resilience, and Hope, Hyderabad, India.
  • George, M. (2012, March). Migration traumatic experiences and psychological distress among Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in India and Canada. Paper presented at the World Congress of Cultural Psychiatry, London, UK.
  • George, M. (2011, October). Spirituality-based social work practice with immigrants and refugees. Paper presented at the International Conference in Social Science and Humanities, Izmir, Turkey.
  • George, M. (2010, October). Contextualizing refugee psychological distress: A Sri Lankan Tamil refugee study. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Portland, OR.
  • George, M. (2008, October). A Theoretical understanding of refugee trauma. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, Philadelphia, PA
  • George, M. (2008, May). Understanding refugee mental health. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Refugees and Forced Migration Studies, Toronto, ON.
  • George, M. (2008, May). Impact of settlement/unsettlement on refugee mental health: Issues to consider. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Social Work Conference, Toronto, ON.
  • George, M. (2008, April). An integrated understanding of refugee trauma. Paper presented at the International Psychiatric Rehabilitation Conference, Boston, MA.
  • George, M. (2007, October). Social work education in India: Towards a community student-educator partnership model. Paper presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
  • George, M. (2007, June). Gender and racial challenges among health educators. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Continuing Health Education Conference, Quebec City, Canada.  
  • George, M. (2007, August). Information technology and health education. Paper presented at the Human Service Information Technology Applications Conference, Toronto, Canada. 
  • George, M. (2007, June). Health educators and Continuing Professional Education Development (CPED) in Toronto hospitals. Paper presented at the International Conference on Health Promotion and Education, Vancouver, Canada.